Posted on September 7, 2014 by


It came and it went.  I gazed upon the inevitability with the broken heart of a lover.  I begged, I wept, I tried to halt the course and drag out the homeostasis.  Change is hard for everyone.  The complacency of the status quo has a familiar draw, as if I bonded with where I was and settled my roots and said this is where I want to end.

I asked Change to at least try to be kind.  In the end, his answer gazed back at me filled with a heavy silence.  He said, “It’s nothing personal my love, there is heartache and there is death, they are my brothers and you cannot cut those ties unless your heart grows to the size of the world and opening your eyes is letting the sun rise.”

But my heart is small and tender, and not the size of the world, so it’s for the world I weep and laugh, through my tears I see the heart of wisdom, it’s in change that we stay fresh, unhardened.

It’s hard not to reach for the same old ways, but at the end of the day, it’s the progress of change that fills your heart with joy.  So dear beloved, I must follow the song of Change, because I have grown stale. Complacency kills eventually, like all the rest of what remains.  So in this groundlessness, I am free if only I could come to accept the nakedness of uncertainty.

Our roads part, and my song continues, I won’t forget you, but I have to let you release you to shed this skin. Nothing stays the same. Nothing is lost.

Posted in: no mud no lotus